My Teachers 1941-1989

Some mentioned here not world-famous but praiseworthy to me.

The Priests. Rodney Upham Clark. Helen Cooper Clark. Holly Clark. Clark Relatives. Cooper relatives. Friends of the family. Miss Kimball. The Gang. Stars. Buffalo Bob Smith. Captain Marvel Comics.

Douglas MacArthur. Clouds. Lee DeForest. John Nagy. Jerry Lewis. Don Herbert. Estes Kefauver. Dave Garroway. Birds. Jack Kent. Bunky Wood. Kenneth Grahame. Greek and Norse Gods. The Moonglows. Pinin Farina. Hugh Hefner. Richard Matheson. Jack Kerouac. Ray Bradbury. A. Merritt et al. Dave Brubeck. Charlie Parker. Miles Davis. Vance Packard. Anna DiVittorio. Judy Hentz. Carol Campanele. Rowe Camp Lecturer. Dom Manfredi. Beats. Nudists. Bertrand Russell. Stanley Kramer. Fred Cook.

Jackson Pollack. Jack Kennedy. Francois Truffaut. Alain Resnais. Jean-Luc Godard. Michelangelo Antonioni. Ingmar Bergman. Stan Brakhage. Stefan Sharf. Constance Fera. Thomas Wolfe. D. H. Lawrence. Henry Miller. Nikos Kazantzakis. Mark Rothko. Peter Serenyi. Bob Ross. Bela Bartok. Ron Rice. Ornette Coleman. Alan Watts. Paolo Soleri. Dov Lederberg. D. T. Suzuki. Carl Oglesby. Michele Clark. Dave McReynolds. Hashish. John Cage. Will Gamble. Victor Alonzo. Alan Siegel. La Monte Young. Timothy Leary. Allen Ginsberg. Swami Bhaktivedanta. Abbott Hill. Peter Schumann. Ken Jacobs. Raymond Marais.

Michelle Clark. Rose Clark. Bob Corens. Albert Einstein. The Sun. B. P. Bowne. Vincente Minnelli. Ed Senesi. Alfred Hitchcock. Thomas Gordon. Arthur Janov. Kratka Ridge. Abraham Maslow. Betty Friedan. Dan Maziarz. The Conch Club. Celtic Gods and Heros. C. S. Lewis. J. R. R. Tolkein. Leo Tolstoy. Emily Dickinson. John Lennon. Paul Schrader. Ralph Borsodi. Fritz Perls. Planetary Gods. Mark Satin. Michael Cassidy. Surf. Jack Canfield. Sondra Ray. Michael Sprague. Deborah Bronner. Shirley Ann Williams. Roberto Assogioli. Leonard Orr. Rolling Thunder. Brian Eno.

Sun Bear. Rocks. Gerald Jampolsky. Eleanor Singer Clark. Rebecca Jeanne Clark. Evelyn Haynes. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Huckleberry Mountain. Dunes. Steve Mansour. Oaks. The Light Center. Andrew Schmookler. W. H. Bates. Katuah Editors. Viktorous Kulvinskas. Eugene Gendlin. The Tasaday. Breathing. Richard Grossinger. Hilton Hotema. Alexander Lowen. Henry David Thoreau. Ann Wigmore. Earth First! Editors. Mikhail Aivanhov. Wabasso Beach. Martha Graham. George Sutherland. Tim Aldrich. Crickets. Raindrops. John Muir. Walking.

Author: Damodara Das

Srila Prabhupad initiated me as His disciple on April 15 , 1967 , at 26 Second Avenue in New York , NY .