
I considered myself a film maker from 1961 to 1966. In addition to school projects and commercial jobs, I made several experimental shorts. Then I met Srila Prabhupad and my self-concept changed. I became his disciple. So for three years I trained my 8mm “home movie” camera on him. Vaishnavas in 1967 was my first effort. From that film I’m posting selected portraits of His Divine Grace.

Arriving at Kennedy Airport from San Francisco , Prabhupad is greeted by devotees and admirers . The first order of business : in the terminal , he leads a kirtan .

A local health food shop owner know as ” Mother Nature ” offers a bouquet of flowers to His Divine Grace .

In early June , Srila Prabhupad is convalescing in Long Branch , New Jersey .

Prabhupada gives instructions to Brahmananda as ( from right ) Acyutananda , Mahapurusa , Purusottama , and Advaita listen .

The proprietor of the seaside cabins , an elderly woman , lamented to Prabhupad that she had no children . He said to her , ” Just make Krishna your son . “

Instructions from the Spiritual Master .

Jagat Guru

Krishna is always on his mind and in his heart .

Author: Damodara Das

Srila Prabhupad initiated me as His disciple on April 15 , 1967 , at 26 Second Avenue in New York , NY .

4 thoughts on “Vaishnavas”

  1. Thank you, Damodara Prabhu. I always loved the films you made of Srila Prabhupada. You and Mrganetri were a great influence in my beginning Krishna consciousness. I will always be indebted to you both.❤️🙏😍

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