My Civil Disobedience

I have been arrested by the police twice –
both times for practicing civil disobedience.
First, in February 1966, along with other
members of the War Resisters League, I sat
down in the street at the intersection of
Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street in New York
City. Second, In the spring of 1970, I was
singing – performing Sankirtan – along with
other Krishna devotees on the sidewalk
near the corner of M Street and Wisconsin
Avenue in Washington DC. In the first
instance our group was jailed (briefly). In
the second instance I went by myself
(also briefly). In the four years between
the two arrests I had decided, as Srila
Prabhupad has written, that Sankirtan is
“civil disobedience for the right cause.”

Author: Damodara Das

Srila Prabhupad initiated me as His disciple on April 15 , 1967 , at 26 Second Avenue in New York , NY .