The Full Nectarine

The New York devotees were making a movie about Lord Chaitanya in the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens. We wanted Prabhupad to appear in it as the narrator. He kindly agreed to our plan. Here he is in a scene from The Full Nectarine. The title is taken from Prabhupad’s description of Krishna Consciousness as “the full nectarine for which always anxious we are”.

Author: Damodara Das

Srila Prabhupad initiated me as His disciple on April 15 , 1967 , at 26 Second Avenue in New York , NY .

One thought on “The Full Nectarine”

  1. Thank you Damodara Prabhu. You have preserved Srila Prabhupada through movies for generation to come. I remember you showing us these at the Q st temple in DC in 1971. Before I met His Divine Grace in person I saw him in you movies. Your servant, Anuttama das

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